There we were standing n the midst of hundred of people scavenging for items (pardon me for using “scavenge” but some of the shoppers were really greedy till they took out the items from the box placed under the display rack). None of the item sold was my type. Bras, panties, and man’s wear (what I mean here is that John Master and
The rest was suffering as we moved up one step every 5 minutes. Luckily I had Han Ching to wait behind me and we chatted while we moved slowly in the line. While waiting in the queue we still had enough time to shop while on the lane. Han Ching bought a pair of shoes for the price of RM 10! Really cheap. Besides, she walked around the vicinity to see other grocery items while I “take care” the line. Then, she came back with a John Master’s shirt for his dad. Around RM 60. She said usually the price around RM90. After 30 minutes we were halfway thru. At one time, we were too tired that we leaned against each other. Along the way, two customers gave up and we happily took over their place. Finally, after 50 minutes of queuing up we were just 4 customers away from the cashier. Thank God. We thought we’ll get the item paid soon but not to what an unexpected twist then.
Well, a customers in front of us actually parked aside one stack of items (it’s too many until I thought the stack was initially part of the display item for hamper) Hard to describe. The size around 2 x 2 meter square of area. We were really disappointed and annoyed by this customer attitude. For them to clear the entire item will take another 20 minutes I guessed. Luckily, ray of hope arrived when the cashier reported to their already fed-up supervisor. Well, actually the case was that they were limited to 2 items on certain product. And they surely exceeded it. I was so happy to listen to it. But they still argue with the supervisor and the supervisor really mad at them that he instructed the cashier to stick to rules. Still, the lady won’t budge by insisting that they had 5 people. So they can buy the items if separate to five bills. Smart ass but please... we are not Lulu ok? 5 people consist of his husband, another guy and 2 of her Indonesian maids is actually nonsense.
This time is my turn to really fed up. I was on the edge of telling the cashier to either hold their bill and do other customer’s item first (I’m an experienced cashier there before and I know the procedure) or limited them to 10 items then clear one or two customers behind them. This never happen cause my mom cut the next lane and pay thru other counter. Mom saved the day. I just hope the store will do a bit extra next time around by putting more cashier and really put the warning of limitation to certain items there so people won’t argue once they realized they can’t buy that amount of items at the cashier counter. Lesson learnt, Sogo?
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