This two days me and Charles went "bei lou" or part-time job as a traffic counter. The pay? RM5 per hour. To some it might be a small figure but to me it's not the money that matters most (that doesn't mean I won't take the salary) but the once in a life time expereince that counts. Where on earth can you picnic by the highway, sleep, chit chat and pee at a secluded area? Lots of funny thing happen where we acted as speed trap officer snapping up photo to scared the F1 driver and the so-called Mat Rempit (trust me they really do thought of us as polices and slow their car down). During the two days, we made a lot friend as we greeted all the truck driver coming in and out from the junction. Some even honked us. The 3am - 9am shift is the most challenging part as we battled thru weary eye to count the traffic which reduced quite drastically at night. There were little cars that we could affordto stand in the middle of the highway and take picture.
Rain rain go away
A brand new day
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