Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The City of Manchester

When you see Wayne Rooney's jersey on someone who scratch his buttock while crossing the street, you might think am I there?

And when you see the cabs are decorated with images of the entire team, without any doubts you are there. Yup. the city I've been talking is Manchester City. Nope not the football club owned by Thaksin. It's the city of Manchester itself.

They claimed Manchester is one of the biggest city in UK. I am totally agreed with them. With even the GPS can't distinguish which road are we on, I'm sure the road here is same like KL. For the first time, I manage to see some high rise building. The thought of "preserving" old building is one of the reason why you can't see much tall skyscrapers in UK.

Almost every country, you'll find China Town. Seeing this arch reminds me of Petaling Street. But here they don't sell "branded" stuffs. Instead it's a place where a lot of Chinese stays and more to restaurant business rather than Bruce Lee or Jet Li kungfu academy.

Mostly, the Chinese here comprises of Hongkies. One of the main reason is some of them possess England citizenship easily here. A brief chat with Vincent's friend who's a Hongkie staying in Manchester revealed that, for them life in Hong Kong is too stress if compared to UK.

So it's UK the nice place for you or me to consider?

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