Ever wonder what they called it Stonehenge? Henge also means hanging. So you probably guess what so nice about stone hanging right? I can't give you the answer. It's just the aura they manage to generate. I guess they shouldn't called it Stonehenge. Instead call it Magnethenge for it's ability to pull so much visitors to visit it. I am one of them.

They always question how those day the people managed to stack the rock like that. Aiya.. You give 30 strong guys I can even lift my office. I always believe with sheer determination and patience. Even there's a Chinese saying sounds like, "Iron rod can be sharpen to needle if you have patience and detemination".

Rock... Beginning to lose steam after 15 minutes...

See I told you. It's like magnet. Everyone is pulled to the structure (pieces of rock). However, they are probably the smartest tourists there. You can actually see the stone from their location too. With normal zooming, you'll get a very clear picture already. No need entrance fees.

After 30 minutes, I began to play artistic picture with Vincent already.

I am wondering what are they going to do with my 6 pound fifty entrance fees? Polish the stone? Or maybe ..... Well seriously I can't think of any?? Most probably it will all go down to the land owner's pocket. UK themselves.
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