I participated in Amazing Race - London Special few weeks before my departure. My partner : Alifah Ahmad Bandaki (aka my tour guide and map reader). Time duration: 2 days. (Amazing race music please) One continent (Europe only), One country (England only) , One City (London only), Countless Pitstops. As soon we got our train ticket, we headed to our very first destination: Abbey Road to receive our clue.

Me walking across the road....
Vince: Hang on. Oi.. Cannot la. You need to walk again.
Au Yong: Huh? Again ah? You think it's my father's road ah? All the cars stop for me to cross le.
and here i thought i told u 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 times already to stop associating that d**n banadaki with me
huhuhu (sin chan)... that will remind me of the middle east colleague and neighbour "I've met" (sounds like Ahmed right?) in UK.
what? (icon muka terkejut)
u used me!
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