All the museums in UK are free. When it's free that does not mean that it's cheap stuff. Just that the government is not that stingy when it comes to education. The museum here is not something you see in our very own Muzium Negara.

It's more like science center to me. I was greeted by a gigantic dinosaur skeleton at the entrance. I hope the security job here is not something like the movie in "A Night In The Museum". If this giant lizard comes to life at night, I sure you'll quit the job the next day!

Now this is what we called sex education.

I'm sure the kids gonna loves it! The parents will have hell lots of tough questions after a visit here. For example:
Son: Daddy, what's that thing showing?
Daddy: Oh... That's is sticking a finger into your nostril. That means you shouldn't do it to yourself or to others ok?
Son: Wow.......

After one and a half hour here, I felt I was given a ride just like the one in the "Human Body" television series. No wonder the kids here love to come the museum.

If they were to see something like Hang Jebat, Hang Tuah, what is the past time in the old day, and what Indian and Chinese wear during the festival, I'm sure they will say something like this:
Son: Daddy, I have one request.
Daddy: Sure my boy. Just say it.
Son: Can we go now?
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