Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Amazing Race - London (St. Paul Cathedral)

With still 2 hours away from the catching the change of guard at Buckingham Palace, I dashed down to St. Paul Cathedral. I studied in St. John Institution. My school was once near with St. Mary School. I've visited St. Paul Hill in Malacca. I listened to All Saint's music. I assumed myself to have some sort of unrelated connections when it come to this "Saint" word.

St Paul’s has remained a busy, working church where millions have come to worship. It is a heritage site of international importance which attracts thousands of people each year. On Sunday, the Tube line does not operate there. I don't know the reason. So, I have to walk approximately 2 kilometre from the nearest stop to get there. Maybe they want to do some routine maintenance or safety reason.

But one thing I annoyed me is that we have to pay the admission fees. Come on, in KL we don't charge the tourists for taking pictures inside the temple right?

1 comment:

Qing Ying said...

Because in KL nobody bother to take photos inside the temples.
