I had my first company dinner at Eden @ Chulan Square on 23 August 08. Supposedly to be a guest, but being drafted to the organising committee one week before the big day. My role? GM. Not General Manager. But Game Master. Having handled a few formal dinner and camp in school and university, this event is certainly a new experience for me. Why? Because you are now handling a bunch of adults who are sort of rebels if compare to the obedient students. They will find ways to break the rules set. If you think adults are easier to manage then you are wrong! The theme for that night was RED FIESTA. They were supposed to wear red clothing. But as I mentioned earlier, rules are meant to be broken. I guess 80% does not follow the theme that night. When asked why they didn't wear red, the answers were:
Inside my undergarment is red what!
My girlfriend's purse is red.
I don't have red shirts.
Pink is red what!
Black is red what! (Oh my goodness)
Feng shui lo say red is not good.
As usual the dinner was supposed to start at 7pm. That's what Caryn wanted. But heavy downpour in the evening and the fact that the location of the restaurant is in the middle of Bukit Bintang, you can expect what time the dinner start lo. It reminds me of those day when I was in the PBSM board. Those who come late for meeting without informing early needs to pay RM0.50 for every 10 minutes. If I were to do that in every Scott Wilson's function, I can earn a living out of it.

So, that's me and Jeff. Both of us are chosen to be the game coordinators because we share one similarity.... We don't have a partner on that night. Our role that night is to brief the games planned by the committee. Games planned are one thing. Executing the game plan is another issue. Many people don't understand the difference between this two. I've seen nice game being planned but being executed badly on the day itself. So, there's huge responsibility on us.

To prevent this, I've decided to elaborate less by showing them power point instead. There were four games played. The naming of the game was done in a rushing manner.
1. Hole Poker (OMG, no sex game please!!)
2. X-File
3. Blind Train
4. Musical Vest
The name does not sound interesting at first. But *borrow the quote from "The Survivor" game show* the tribe has spoken, I have no choice but to get on with it. However, in order to rebrand it without changing what has been agreed, I put some supporting slogan to it.
1. Hole Poker - Fire In The Hole
2. X-File - The Stuff Is Out There
3. Blind Train - No Pain But Big Gain
4. Musical Vest - Who Know The Best
Finding the rhyme that is relevant to game is not an easy task. Below is the presentation shown to explain the game. Done using
Ispring. A software to convert powerpoint to flash. Just click on the logo like any other powerpoint.
The Hole Poker game was supposed to be played without using hands. This is a player who has broken the rule. YELLOW CARD!!!

Rebels will be rebels. In the X-File game, here is where a player who argues with the referee.
Shannon: Ok. You say find blue shirts in the clue, right? You see in these photos here, there are people wearing blue shirts. So my team go blue shirts already lo.
Au Yong: ....
*speechless* RED CARD!!!

The next game, Blind Train was even worse. It showcased the other side of the ladies. As they were supposed to give instruction from the stage to the group, they went wild and jump off from the stage to shout out the instruction. I was shocked! You just can't imagine how fierce they are barking out the orders.

Last game, Musical Vest is a game to test your knowledge of the company.

Jeff, seen here controlling the question specially designed to give even the director a hard knockdown question. In one question, the director's table was asked on the location of the fire extinguisher. The director said it is behind the fax machine. But the actual location is behind the xerox machine.
Director: I knew that. All you need to do is plug a cable to the xerox machine and it will be a fax machine..
Au Yong:

Preparing the question in this power point required me to skip a few lunches and evade others in a fishy manner in order to snap some of the photos.
Just click on the blank screen like any other power point to view it.
The king and queen of the night (best dress). Hey where's there red?

Oh well, as for me I got a set of prixes from the lucky draw. Not the grand prize but I still love it. Free high tea for two in Boulevard in Mid Valley. Woohoo.

Now, for the Best Late-Comer Award.
Winner: Mr. Benyamin
Hours late: 1 hour 2 minutes 36 seconds
Sponsored by: Au Yong Handmade Sdn Bhd
Design Artist : Au Yong
Material: Leftover old photo frame, newspaper cut-out & one old "Love Hits 1998" CD

Their initial plan for game prize was hamper. From my experience, hampers don't leave good memory. It goes down the mouth and out from the back. So, they eventually changed it to medal to commemorate the Olympic atmosphere.
Sponsored by: Central Market Handicraft Sdn Bhd
Design Artist : Zulkipli
Material: Pure 999 gold with white jade plate.

Since it was Olympic month, the photos of athletes biting their medal certainly caught the attention in everyone of us.

Even if you don't hold and bite it by yourself, the director will force you to do it.

What I've won that night? Nothing actually. Well, I just got the medal because the table I sat for 15 minutes won the Hole Poker even without me participate. That's one of the disadvantage of being part of the organiser. Furthermore, all the photos here were taken by Tham and his girlfriend. I don't have the time to take a good snap of any of the activities. This year I'm considered involved in the committee already. Therefore, at least for next year I have reason to avoid being drafted to the board. Good stuff.

As a typical me again in any functions, I did one movie to lighten up the event. Doing the movie was one hell a lot of work. My home desktop is obsolete. I have no choice but to resort to company's super-fast desktop. Even the highly powered Intel processor and lightning graphic card also hanged for 10 times! To make thing worse, I have to do this after working hours. With limited material to choose from and scarce free software to convert and edit some of the clips, (which eventually I found one good software named
Virtualdub) it make me stayed until 11pm in office! Not one of the best movie made but considering the constraint I faced, well it should be ok.
Good video. Your movie making skill getting better. You missed out one of the important stuff for annual dinner. How was the food? Hehe...
loveeeee it~~
can do one for me for my wedding dinner kah?
You know Boon chuan? I owe it all to you. It was you who introduce me to Photo Story during my first year PBSM Annual Dinner. I pick up from there onwards.
You still using Photo Story or Virtualdub? Au yong becomes a good fisherman after a short lesson. Able to catch big fish. Hehe...
You did a very good job in the event. I have never met a GM so good before. After organizing this event for 3 years in a row, I'm glad to see new face taking over the role.
Needless to say the movie is great. I have become the joker of all for a few weeks in the office. Haha! Don't worry, I'm ok with it. I can be joker once in awhile. At least everyone has a good laugh. Haha!
Be prepared to take charge of the whole event next year. I will strongly recommend you. Hehe!
No way matey. I always believe pioneering something is easy but to maintain the performance is the hardest part.
Pls dun choose me. Recommend Muthi, Farukh, Caryn, Yen Loong, Darren, Vincent or Nurul.
You red card me? I red card you first ah!!!!!!!! Than must red card vincent and tham for hogging the karaoke mike also!!!!! MUAHAHAHAH!!!
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