Saturday, January 26, 2008

A New Saga Begins...

Finally, Proton launched this car last week. I must admit that this is a value buy. For a mere RM 35K you get a decent 1.3 Metallic manual car. You won't find a price for the same range and spec like this (Malaysia only). Though I was intially interested but once being told that I need to pay the loan of RM 300 monthly, I have another thought. Why? My current car's loan will settle within one year (balance around RM7K) and I'm off with the monthly loan payment FOREVER then. However, I must admit also that this car is starting to show the old effect symptoms and requires some minor fixing.

Nevertheless, I must ask myself this question once again. Do I really need a new car? Last two weeks, I've noticed that KL is facing major influx of cars from other states. I faced traffic jam almost every morning. The scenario is so bad that if I come out from home at 7.30am , I'll probably end up in one hour jam. The next day, I try 7.00 am. Still one hour jam. Then 6.45am. Still one hour. Then 6.30am. Still one hour. So the next day, I try 6.25am. I reach office within 25 minutes. Do you notice that the difference of 5 minutes can make a big impact in our traffic?

While I was stuck in jam, I realised that there are so many cars in KL. Why? Because everyone is able to buy cars! I wonder again, if everyone is able to buy car and change car as if they are changing shirts, what happen to their previous used car? Left abandoned and sold at a dismal price? Fuel price is going up definitely this year. Buying a car nowadays is looking more into fuel consumption as second priority after safety. You can have a brand new looking car to show off but what's the use when behind everyone you are facing the high cost of paying your fuel consumption? Stupid right? So back to this new car... As least not for me for the time being. Unless I won RM 20K in a sudden.

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