Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Amazing Race - London (Big Ben)

Go to Big Ben and get your next clue from from a bicycle man.

Au Yong: Bicycle man? That's gonna be tough.

Alifah: Maybe it's ice cream man. Now it's spring.

Boarded the next Tube to Westminster, we reached the famous icon of London. Clock Tower or Palace of Westminster or Big Ben. It's actually refer to the same place. These three stick together side by side.

The Clock Tower is the world's biggest four-faced, chiming clock. The structure is situated at the north-eastern end of the Houses of Parliament in Westminster, London.

It is often colloquially referred to as Big Ben, which is actually the nickname of the main bell housed within the tower. Can you see holy light shining from top of the tower on the photo below?

The bell was never officially named, but the legend on it records that the commissioner of works, Sir Benjamin Hall, was responsible for the order. Gosh, luckily the commissioner of works was not named Sir Butler Hall or Sir Aston Hall or else we will have Big Butt or Big Ass instead! Another theory for the origin of the name is that the bell may have been named after a contemporary heavyweight boxer Benjamin Caunt.

The Palace of Westminster, also known as the Houses of Parliament or Westminster Palace, in London, is where the two Houses of the Parliament of the United Kingdom meet.

Same as our Parliament where street protest goes on and on like a big gathering and carnival nowadays.

But the difference is we have our own people who go protest and the Taiko Anwar to lead the charge but here everybody from around the world go there and stage protest. There you can camp outside the parliament with banners and placards. Here in Malaysia, people will think you are a drug addict or beggar sleeping by the roadside. You might even surprise yourself with a few ringgits when you wake up in the morning!

Wandering around still with no signs of our bicycle man. But then, came the shock of my life.........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

now that's something..my pic is being used in here huh :D
