Here I am. Wrapping up my site work in Hong Kong. Well, some might think that my recent trip here is more to travel rather than work. Reason? Where is the photos showing me working? Two reasons. First, I'm working inside a security area. In other words, a restricted area. Photo inside the airport might put me into trouble because we were authorised to work inside. NOT TO TAKE PICTURE! I have to be cautious in the word I chose to describe the airport too. Anyhow, this airport is really nice and professional in the sense that everyone carried out their duty. Secondly, is because I have no one holding the camera. For the first two weeks I have to work here alone. At that moment, I thought I was in the movie "I Am Legend".

Even when my company decided to send another colleague of mine, that doesn't mean I can pose here and there to snap photo with an A380 plane. Every steps you made has to be carried diligently. Any mistake, accident or causing a plane obstruction , you might probably end up in jail or blacklisted from entering the airport for the rest of your life until you next next generation also can't enter. Sound unbelievable? Well, it's true. People was barred from accessing one airport because the authority searched through his ancestor background and found some terrorist link.
I only have time to walk around on the last two days. As usual.. Amazing Race.. Around the Hong Kong in 2 days! Yet, the people around me thought I've been to Hong Kong for one month travelling.
Being given the stay in Regal Hotel, the so-called BEST AIRPORT HOTEL IN THE WORLD 2008! At least I can boast to my grandchildren that their grandpa actually been to the WORLD BEST HOTEL and stay there for one month! They won't give a d*mn the word "AIRPORT" in front of it.

From my windows, I can actually witness the plane touches down and takes off every 1 minutes at a very closed angle. To some, this might be an awesome scene. But after two days, you will probably be yelling at the MAS to keep the volume down. Sometimes, it feel funny because people is complaining when their hotel is located beside the highway, but they won't if they are located beside the airport.

Before I proceed, hey it's the beginning of the month already (1 December 2008). Where is the promise the fuel price will be reviewed once every fortnight? OK, now back to the story. People in Malaysia tend to talk about the fuel price and make it an issue almost everyday. Here in Hong Kong, how to I need to explain it? Alright, just look at the picture above. The number on top of the display screen is the amount you need to pay for the total liter of diesel (shown at the bottom of the display). Now, that amount is for a full tank 4WD Pajero truck. HKD600 = RM 300! Need to complain anymore? Complain it to the Hongkies then. Ok, the petrol price reduced to RM1.80 by the time I finished this blog.

I was told that a Thai went to China, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore. She said that of all the Chinese food she has tasted from these countries, it is the origin of Chinese food country, China which serve the poorest Chinese food. To me, the food here quite resembles the food I ate in Malaysia. Char Siu, Siu Yuk, Siu Kai and Siu Ngap. They are even more Malaysian because they eat all these with tea. Come one? Admit it, who will eat chicken rice in Malaysia and order teh tarik? For me, tea is only for breakfast. To them, tea is breakfast, lunch and dinner. For me, I have no qualm eating here, but my poor Malay colleague only find solace in eating the one and only halal restaurant in the airport for 2 consecutive weeks. Well, if you say you can't eat pork, I understand. If you say you can't eat chicken because it's not slaughtered in Islamic way, I still underestand. But if you say the flour to make bread is not halal, then I can only say.....
well, what the ... what can I say? Here, they don't serve "No Pork, No Pork" but"Got Pork, Got Pork". They don't even know Muslim can't eat pork! If you ask them whether they serve pork or not, the first thing come from their mind is, "Is this guy a vegetarian?

Entertain wise, they have a lot. A shop like this can survive the rental in airport. While, I was wandering around this shop, there was this guy in his 30s who was holding a torchlight to see what is next capsule inside the machine before he he vend it. Professional "vendor" I must say. If you are looking for some quick gift for the children, here is the place man.

Hong Kong girl is pretty. Pretty smart in make-up. 9 out of 10 go for make-up. Whether you are young or old, they sure put some plastering before they go out. However, the Hongkie boys here claimed that they usually go for China girl because they are more humble. In Hong Kong, you must look like Koo Tin Lok and your bank account has al least HKD 500k to court the girl there. Hey, my brother's girlfriend is from Hong Kong.

Living in the vicinity of the airport is boring. If you watched the movie, "Terminal" by Tom Hanks, I am sort of like him. Just that I'm free to wander around.

The airport is well-maintained. Like I said before, everyone carry out their duty diligently.

Tranportaion wise, they rely heavily on public transport. It's so efficient that even the mini bus driver with tattoo on their body is punctual and discipline.

This airport has opened for 10 years. It's ever expanding. The traffic is so high that a slight hiccup might cause millions of damage. How do I make a comparison? Alright, the airlines in Suvarnabumi , Thailand claimed they lost around USD 18 million because of this recent riot thing. If the Hong Kong airport is to close for one day for any reasons, I guess the lost is quadruple of that or maybe even higher.

Zul was telling me about this clock here. If a real Rolex watch cost around thousand dollars, so how much is the clock here which is 200 times larger? Million dollars? Now, I can claimed that I took photo of the

The food court here is good. They serve different variety of cuisine. And it doesn't blow a hole in your pocket because ironically, the pricing of the food is quite similar with the pricing out there. Not like in KLIA where they have double standards even for McDonalds. So, if you are hungry while waiting for your flight, do drop by at any of these food courts.

Well, I like the scene of this picture. Sadly, I can't have my own because I have to stay here for 2 extra days to settle the shipment. Nevertheless, I am sure I will have the chance again next year. Who knows? Hong Kong. Heir of the Chinese Dragon. The Chapter 1 ends here....
I also heard about Hong Kong airport food is priced reasonably compared to KLIA which is always much higher than average. If Malaysia have good public transportation system, the citizen sure keep quiet about the petrol prices.
sadly. that's not the case
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