It's been quite a while since I last blog. Married life do take some of your free time I guess. Having said that, working has been quite hectic since. Furthermore, weekend is like a attending living skill (Kemahiran Hidup) classes. Ever since we moved into our new house, both Han Ching and I has been spending time on decorating the house. Furniture was one by one bought and moved in since last year. The one that thrill me of course was the installation of all the lighting, fixing of plumbing system, installation of TV cabinet which was done by me personally. Though I won't claim myself a specialist, but at least the outcome is presentable I think.
Finally I was able to get my long desired study table which I managed to build it. With some special fixing and some ASIS product from IKEA, I manage to turn wardrobe into a study table!
Throwing out and moving in furniture is quite a fun activity fur us. I guess the whole resident in my area will remember me and my wife for being the only couple to throw away bed linen wrapped door, wooden blind and moving a cupboard 300m using a market trolley! Even the security guard was caught by surprise of our feat! And from this, we even discover the full capability of my wife's car Proton Waja by transforming itself to a small goods delivery truck. You will be surprise how we manage to transport the 2.5m x 1m wardrobe table all the way from IKEA to my house. And that was accomplished without even leaving the car hood open!
Along all this ordeal, we managed to meet good Samaritan who could not stand to watch and stop by to lend a hand on these two ambitious "Bangla" worker. It somehow make me believe that there are still good people around. Having been brought up in KL, I was being raised up to be cautious with stranger. The old saying goes, "Never talk to stranger" has been ringing in my ear since. You can't really blame us when people from outside KL claimed that we are not as friendly as people from other states.
Just open the newspaper nowadays and we will be bombarded with news of people getting cheated, conned, duped, hypnotised, or even kidnapped. In order to prevent ourselves of being a victim, we eventually resort to creating shield or barrier against other people. When you are confronted by anyone that suddenly come forward to you by the street, the first thing you do is raise your hand and say sorry. We speak the words " Tak Nak" even more frequent to these people than to the smokers themselves.
It is just sad to note that sometimes, those really need help was turned off. I believe in everyone's heart whenever an old aunty came begging on the table, you will have the slight heart wrenching moment of reaching your pocket. But when conscience came in and memory of the newspaper article you read recalled or the name Michael Chong struck your mind, you decided to backtrack.
Of course, there were joy when you received help along the way. We were dumbfounded when there's a lady who stopped by looking at us trying to squeeze our "furniture" into our car in IKEA. She offered us a simple solution which eventually solved our problem. Her simple approach put us in shame to be exact. We were just laughing and talking about the scenario along our way back. Whenever we visited IKEA seeing other customer trying to load furniture onto their cars, we will smile at ourselves for we were doing same feat the last time around that people can't stand to watch and decided to help us instead.

I guess sometimes we have to indulge in a moment of silliness in order to find happiness.
I guess sometimes we have to indulge in a moment of silliness in order to find happiness.
1 comment:
Have I not told you before how my small little kancil carried 1 large glass display unit from Ikea last time? I bought 2 in 2 separated events. Even my kancil surprised me of its capability. I remember how much fun we had while we first moved in to our house. We bought our stuff a year before we even got the house. Hehe!
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